Adriana Wagner | She Sleeps, She Wakes

“She Sleeps, She Wakes” was born from perspectives of heartbreak, struggle, perseverance, and resilience. It has been a lifelong journey to be able to externalize these emotions of Wagner’s existence. “She sleeps” represents the peace of slumber and unfiltered creativity drawn from the subconsciousness. “She wakes” is the realization of these visions into the living world. It is a dance between the two realms that has created the music that lives within this album.

The rhythm section featured on the album all contribute their unique perspectives to the music while lending the humility and space for everyone’s voice to shine through. Wagner chose these musicians because they all play with vulnerability and a dedication to the music that has no limits.
releases January 5, 2024

Adriana Wagner, trombone
Matt Sazima, piano and vibraphone
Garrett Baxter, bass
Domo Branch, drums

All compositions by Adriana Wagner
Recorded by Matt Sazima and Thomas Barber
Mixed by Andrew Jones
Recorded at Sazima Studios
Recording date: April 13th 2023
Mastered by Benjamin Vukelić
Executive Producer: Ryan Meagher
Photos by Jack Dillinger
Art by Tiny Little Hammers